Sunday, May 24, 2020
Cervantes Quotes in Spanish With Translations
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) is by far the most famous Spanish author, and his international influence on literature rivals that of his British contemporary, William Shakespeare. Here are some of the most well-known sayings and quotes that are attributed to him; note that not all translations are word for word: Cervantes Quotes About Love and Friendship Amor y deseo son dos cosas diferentes; que no todo lo que se ama se desea, ni todo lo que se desea se ama. (Love and desire are two different things; not everything that is loved is desired, and not everything that is desired is loved.) Amistades que son ciertas nadie las puede turbar. (Nobody can disrupt true friendship.) Puede haber amor sin celos, pero no sin temores. (There can be love without jealousy, but not without fear.) Cervantes Quotes About Gratitude La ingratitud es la hija de la soberbia. (Ingratitude is the daughter of pride.) Entre los pecados mayores que los hombres cometen, aunque algunos dicen que es la soberbia, yo digo que es el desagradecimiento, atenià ©ndome a lo que suele decirse: que de los desagradecidos està ¡ lleno el infierno. (Of the worst sins that people commit, although some says its pride, I say it is ingratitude. As the saying goes, hell is filled with the ungrateful.) Cervantes Quotes About Living Wisely Una onza de buena fama vale mà ¡s que una libra de perlas. (An ounce of good reputation is worth more than a pound of pearls.) El ver mucho y el leer mucho avivan los ingenios de los hombres. (Seeing much and reading much sharpens ones ingenuity.) Lo que poco cuesta aà ºn se estima menos. (What costs little is valued even less.) El hacer bien a villanos es echar agua en la mar. (Doing good for low-lifes is throwing water in the sea.) No hay ningà ºn viaje malo, excepto el que conduce a la horca. (There is no bad trip except for the one that goes to the gallows.) No puede haber gracia donde no hay discrecià ³n. (There cannot be grace where there is no discretion.) La pluma es la lengua de la mente. (The pen is the tongue of the mind.) Quien no madruga con el sol no disfruta de la jornada. (Whoever doesnt rise with the sun wont enjoy the day.) Mientras se gana algo no se pierde nada. (As long as something is earned nothing is lost.) El que no sabe gozar de la ventura cuando le viene, no debe quejarse si se pasa. (He who doesnt know how to enjoy good fortune when it comes to him shouldnt complain when it passes him by.) Cervantes Quotes About Beauty Hay dos maneras de hermosura: una del alma y otra del cuerpo; la del alma campea y se muestra en el entendimiento, en la honestidad, en el buen proceder, en la liberalidad y en la buena crianza, y todas estas partes caben y pueden estar en un hombre feo; y cuando se pone la mira en esta hermosura, y no en la del cuerpo, suele nacer el amor con à mpetu y con ventajas. (There are two kinds of beauty: one of the soul and the other of the body; that of the soul shows and demonstrates itself in understanding, in honesty, in good behavior, in generosity and in good breeding, and all these things can find room and exist in an ugly man; and when one looks at this type of beauty, and not bodily beauty, love is inclined to spring up forcefully and overpoweringly.) Bien veo que no soy hermoso, pero tambià ©n conozco que no soy disforme. (I see that Im not handsome, but I also know that Im not hideous.) Cervantes Quotes About Memory  ¡Oh, memoria, enemiga mortal de mi descanso! (Oh, memory, deadly enemy of my rest!) No hay recuerdo que el tiempo no borre ni pena que la muerte no acabe. (There is no memory that time doesnt erase nor any sorrow that death doesnt extinguish.) Cervantes Quotes About Foolishness Mà ¡s vale una palabra a tiempo que cien a destiempo. (One word at the right time is more valuable that 100 words at the wrong time.) El mà ¡s tonto sabe mà ¡s en su casa que el sabio en la ajena. (The most foolish person knows more in his home than the wise person knows in someone elses.) Cervantes Quotes Everyone Has Heard Cuando una puerta se cierra, otra se abre. (When one door is closed, another is opened.) Dijo la sartà ©n a la caldera, quà tate allà ¡ ojinegra. (The frying pan said to the cauldron, Get out of here, black-eyed one. This is believed to be the source of the phrase the pot calling the kettle black.)
Monday, May 18, 2020
Financial Crisis And Its Effects On Businesses,...
Introduction The worldwide impact of the recent financial crisis outlines the importance of having a decent understanding of crises. Latest episode has definitely showed that status of economic as well as the financial performance is greatly affected by financial turmoil. During the crisis, world stock markets have been collapsed, largest financial institutions have been bought out or fallen, and the wealthiest nations like UAE, UK of USA had to stand up and aid their financial systems as well as the economic ones. World economic activity was a common topic in the newspapers for many years after it has occurred. â€Å"The present financial crisis is a culmination of many systematic factors. The economic crisis has made us to believe that world†¦show more content†¦It was a global bank which massively effected world financial status. It was the worst world recession in all economies in last 80 years. Even today in many wealthy countries GDP is below its pre-crisis positions, especially i n EU (Europe) where it has evolved in the famous â€Å"Euro-crisis†(Economist, 2013). Not only EU and USA but the whole world was affected. Inflation started to be the serious problem, due to the high volume of printed money which had to help to bail the banks. This leaded to devaluated US dollar which has created inflation as such. People who have suffered the most are taxpayers in the USA. This made the distance between social classes larger and larger. According to (Malpass, 2010) one the main reasons that caused the crisis is a Housing Market in US. Between 1997 and 2006, average house price has increased by 122%. In the end of 2001, national home price average median was ranged from 2.6 to 3.2 times median income per household. Proportional ration has grown to 4.0 in the beginning of 2004 and 4.6 in 2006. This has resulted to housing bubble â€Å"A run-up in housing prices fueled by demand, speculation and the belief that recent history is an infallible forecast of the future.†(Investopedia, 2014). Many householders started to refinance their estates at lower interest rate, or even taking second mortgages. In the middle of 2008, housing prices had been declined by 20% comparing to their 2006 peak. Easy loans and trend of house
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Jilting in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily and...
Jilting in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily and Katherine Anne Porters The Jilting of Granny Weatherall Webster’s dictionary defines the word â€Å"jilt†as the act of rejecting a lover. So to be deserted by another, left at the altar, or unwanted by another, is to be jilted. In William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily†and in â€Å"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall†by Katherine Anne Porter, Emily and Granny Weatherall throughout the course of their lives experience jilting several times. In turn, this rejection places a significant emphasis on both of their lives. After Emily’s father passes away in â€Å"A Rose for Emily,†Emily’s sweetheart rejects her. The only man that her father must have approved of ran out on her, leaving†¦show more content†¦With this discovery, Emily knew she could never have him and could not bear the thought of another man that she loved leaving her. This must have been the breaking point for her. Emily was determined not to let another man leave her for the third time. Therefore she purchased the arsenic so she could be with him forever. The last person to see Homer was a neighbor as the Negro man was admitting him in at the kitchen door at dusk one evening. Again, Emily submerged herself into the familiar calm of isolation until her death. After her funeral, the narrator (the town) paints the picture of their discovery in the room above the stairs. A room in which no one had seen in for forty years. â€Å"The man himself lay in the bed. For a long while we just stood there, loo king down at the profound and fleshless grin. The body had once lain in the attitude of an embrace, but now the long sleep that outlasts love, that conquers even the grimace of love, had cuckolded him. What was left of him†¦. Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head. One of us lifted
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, And Mockingjay - 1271 Words
When one hears the phrase Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), they often think of soldiers who have returned from war. The truth is that any traumatic event can cause PTSD, and it is even portrayed by some of the most beloved characters in pop culture today. One such character is Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games series. By taking the cognitive approach to examine this case, it is easy to diagnose and suggest possible treatments for the character. First of all, who is Katniss Everdeen? The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay is a trilogy of young adult novels that have been adapted into four major motion pictures. This insight into PTSD is going to focus on the movie adaptations. The main protagonist from the films is a girl named Katniss Everdeen. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic North America called Panem. There has been a civil war and the continent has been divided into twelve districts serving a central capitol. Most of the districts are poor, while people in the capitol live rich, lavish lifestyles. Once each year, as a reminder that the districts cannot overcome and need the capitol, each of the twelve districts is required to provide one male and one female, deemed tributes, between the ages of 12 and 18 to compete in the Hunger Games. Tributes are drawn at random, but individuals can volunteer to represent their district. Once chosen, tributes have a two week training period until they are thrown into the arena and the games begin. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Hunger Games Trilogy1719 Words  | 7 PagesHannah Hirschhorn Essay 10/16/12 The trilogy of The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins, focuses on a country that is being controlled by an oppressive government and the people who are fighting against it for their freedom. Although the odds are against the rebels, they continue to combat tyranny at the risk of their own lives. The story takes place in the not too distant future in a country called Panem, which represents the United States. The Capitol, which is the center of the nationalRead MoreThe Hunger Games : Mockingjay1116 Words  | 5 Pages YASHA’S BOOK REPORT- THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY PLOT ‘THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY’ takes place several months since the last outing, Catching Fire. Seventeen year old Katniss Everdeen has survived The Hunger Games twice, but along with her outstanding victory, which bewildered The Capitol’s devious Gamemakers. There were consequences. The infuriated president of Panem, President Snow, didn’t see actions taking place in order to eliminate Katniss, which was his bidding. Therefore, he plansRead More The Hunger Games Trilogy Essay2309 Words  | 10 Pagesâ€Å"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.†, a very well known quote from the book series The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, Pg 19). The Hunger Games Trilogy written by Suzeanne Collins has become enormously popular. The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay are the three works that make up the series. A major motion picture was released titled The Hunger Games, after the first book in the series, and it instantly became a box office hit. Those who have not read the booksRead MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins2032 Words  | 9 Pages The Hunger Games is a book trilogy that was turned into a movie series. The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay are a part of the original book trilogy written by Suzanne Collins. The books quickly became an extremely popular hit, and they were turned into a mainstream movie series franchise. The movies based off the popular books are The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay Part 1, and Mockingjay Part 2. â€Å"With more than 26 million books sold and box office receipts grossing $68.3 millionRead MoreBook Report On Lions Gate Entertainments Trailer For The Latest Installment 2289 Words  | 10 PagesKrysta Zerance Professor Montgomery CRTW 201 November 5, 2014 Paper Two Lions Gate Entertainments trailer for the latest installment in author Suzanne Collins Hunger Games book trilogy adaptation The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 ( was made with a wide array of types of people in mind. As the third film in a series of four, the target audience are those, aged thirteen to eighteen years old, who have already seen the previous films or read the booksRead MoreThe Girl On Fire By Suzanne Collins1497 Words  | 6 PagesThe Girl On Fire In the last twenty-five years, social and political activists have made tremendous efforts towards equal opportunity across all spectrums. Girl activists, especially, have largely advocated equality between women and men due to the notorious gender inequality around the world. While the most prominent leaders derive from areas of severe gender inequality such as Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan and Urmila Chaudhary from Nepal, some of the most notable girl activists emanate right fromRead MoreThe Hunger Games ( Book Report )759 Words  | 4 PagesThe Hunger Games By Landon Courtney The Hunger Games was written by Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games generates suspense, action, and science fiction, and a form of dictatorship. The setting is in Panem, formerly North America. Part of the book is in District 12, near the Appalachian Mountains. It is set in the future. Katniss Everdeen is the main character in the Hunger Games. She is sixteen years old; she is determined, loving, and caring. She has straight black hair that is usually braidedRead MoreSummary of Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins1065 Words  | 5 PagesFor my book report I chose â€Å"Catching Fire†by Suzanne Collins. Catching Fire is set in a alternative universe that is set up in a way a monarchy would function there is the king or a president who is a cold hearted human being named President Snow. Then there are the nobles or in this situation the capital people, the capital people are wealthy and they dress outrageously just so people can distinguish them from non wealthy people. Lastly skipping the presents you have the slaves or the districtsRead MoreThe Movie Hunger Games Essay868 Words  | 4 PagesThe last movie is the novel adaptation, Hunger Games series came to a close on November 17, 2015. The final film in the series, Mockingjay Part 2, follows th e same strategy as another young-adult movie franchise, Twilight. The book turned movie raised its nearly unknown cast to rock star status and enormous profit. This sci-fi, adventure is violent. Scenes of blood oozing out of actors and actresses earned the PG-13 rating. The violence was spread evenly, however, the out the 137 minute durationRead MoreThemes And Symbols Are Catching Fire2503 Words  | 11 PagesProfessor Kathy Hilbert English 1302 W02 29 April 2015 Themes and Symbols are Catching Fire Suzanne Collins uses many literary devices including symbolism as well as themes to express the ignorance and lack of competence of the wealthy in the Capitol. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, is the sequel to the highly acclaimed, best selling novel, The Hunger Games. Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games. Miraculously, both she as well as fellow district tribute Peeta Mellark are
My Journal on the Book, The Maze Runner by James Dashner...
Journal 1 The first chapter of â€Å"The Maze Runner†really gets me excited for the rest of the book. I enjoy how it leaves the reader plenty of room to wonder what will happen later in the book. It has an interesting vocabulary that includes some of the slang words that the people of the glade made up. It seems that the plot of the book will quicken very quickly as already there is a lot of foreshadowing hinting toward some unknown beast and a giant maze. I predict that Thomas’s arrival will trigger some sort of issue that he will have to resolve. Just the first chapter has gotten me very excited for the rest of the book. Journal 2 It seems like I was right about the plot thickening quickly. Already Thomas has made an enemy, a boy†¦show more content†¦Although this leaves Thomas feeling oddly exhilarated, while hes lying in his sleeping bag in a meadow near the gardens, he returns to feeling sad and curious. Thomas tells Chuck that he wants to become one of the Runners, even though he still doesnt really know what they do. Chuck just laughs and says whatever because being a runner is one of the hardest jobs in the glade. Journal 4 The Tour starts at the Box, which is closed. Alby explains that they get a new kid once a month and supplies are delivered once a week. Other than that, they dont know anything about where the Box goes or how it operates. Once, they tried to send a boy back in it, but the Box wouldnt move until he got out. Next he explains that the Glade is divided into four sections: Gardens, Blood House, Homestead, and Deadheads. Thomas will spend the next two weeks training for a different job until they find the one he fits best. Throughout the Tour, Thomas is annoyed by his inability to ask questions, and he wonders why the people who cleared his memory only removed certain memories. Why can he remember what the animals were called, but not where that memory comes from? When they reach the South Door, Alby tells Thomas that hes been there for two years, and although many boys have died trying, no one has been able to solve the Maze. The walls move at night so its nearly impossible to map, and mo re importantly, no one is ever allowed outside the walls except the Runners. For some
Information Technology And Web Designing - Free Sample Solution
Question: Discuss about the Information Technology and Web Designing. Answer: Introduction: The data to be collected and reviewed entails the following where the performance essentials were put into consideration and also tested in accordance with the three given website platforms. The key concept is navigation and there are certain situations and circumstances that the applicant is supposed to consider where navigating are seen to be incorporated in large quantity. Data that will be obtained in this context include the number of tests and the criteria that were adopted in applying the common lingual culture. Events are clearly analyzed and the reason for this orderly process is to ascertain the collection of adequate feedback. Words are counted in regards to conforming to the technical stipulations and guidelines that are put in place to avoid deviation from the main core purpose. The evaluation of these websites is the first priority before commencement of the task assigned to ensure that they are in accordance with the general rules. Compliance enhances accuracy and smooth running of the programs and thus preventing breakdown or crushing when running in the computer. The aspect of detecting and prevention of errors is put into consideration by making sure that there is adequate reduction and minimizing the loss that occurs as a result of fault information and junk messages. Test runs are conducted to prevent any malfunction of the system and this is successful only through a specific design adoption. There is undertaking of the step to mitigate errors that are prone to occurring in this perspective; number of these possible errors is required to ensure that the test is through criteria as depicted. Another important feature that enhances performance review in the websites is by a diverse engagement in different platforms of loading pages and being able to respond to the design. The users should be able to operate the pages in their disposal with ease. Navigation is carried out when researching for the right content and thus the process should be made appealing and user friendly. The one and only rule of thumb is applied in recognition and enhancement of memory while logging into the websites hence the user is not supposed to think but rather the action should make him/her to function instead of wondering about non solvable issues. Redundancy is also investigated where there is need to gather additional information for the purpose of page-loading and ascertaining the criterion to be applied. Data recovery is also taken as a precautionary measure by making the error messages easier to solve and fixing the problem at hand. Clear documentation is undertaken for all the files and this has an approach tht is systematic for easier access in archives or from the earliest to latest messages. Recommendations The first and foremost to be used is image optimization for the purposes of responsive website design; this entails the issue of bloated pages. The amount of page capacity holding is maximized by this feature of bloat pages due to incorporation of images. (Aladwani, 2002) argued developing and validating an instrument for measuring user-perceived web quality. High resolution is used in loading and this makes it necessary for adaptive images which respond automatically according to the size of screen. I would recommend a reduction is the pages of the websites in order to make sure that the pages spread across networks are seemingly reasonable and can be hosted. Reduction of the white space which is unutilized is another recommendation and line breaks elimination in order to increase the speed and faster responding. Smaller pages are necessary to consider a compared to the heavy and biblical type pages which consume the resources and thus there is need to trim them down to increase the performance. (Hager, 2015) said the basics of user-friendly web design.The journal for Quality and Participation. Elimination of junk content and emails that are obsolete from the dashboard and widgets floundering aspect is considered relevant and advisable to enhance faster processing. User testing Visual hierarchy is use of techniques suitable to test effectiveness where the assessing of user interfaces is considerable and application of the user interfaces in order to discover usability issues that occur during the activity of evaluation in this case the heuristic evaluation. Difference is noted in color and positioning aspect where placement issues are also put under review. (Bernstein, 2004) said that towards responsive retargeting of existing websites. InProceedings of the adjunct publication of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. Consistency for the purpose of testing efficiency is conducted in the websites which are to be synchronized. The level of writing tone is supposed to be in line with overall website and this ensures usability and cohesion of various forms of layout to be engaged in a sign of criteria of professionalism that is known to be an amateur hour. Enhancing the learnability is another important aspect that should be emphasized where user friendliness is applied to prevent the formalities and cumbersome nature of the technology. (Nielson, 2009) argued that designing web usability is the practice of simplicity. The architectures are confronted from time to time in order to raise a red flag whenever there is an issue and an area which requires improvement. References Bernstein, G.L., Klemmer, S. (2014), Towards responsive retargeting of existing websites. InProceedings of the adjunct publication of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology(pp. 119-120). ACM. Nielsen, J., (2009).Designing web usability: The practice of simplicity.New Riders Austria press. Hager, D. (2015). The basics of user-friendly web design.The journal for Quality and Participation,22(3), p.58. Ratner, J. (2010).Human factors and web development. New YorkCRC Press. Aladwani, T. (2002). Developing and validating an instrument for measuring user-perceived web quality. Journal of Information management,39(6), pp.467-476.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Chemistry Redox Reactions Explained Sample Essay Example For Students
Chemistry Redox Reactions Explained Sample Essay HOW ARE REDOX REACTIONS DIFFERENT?Redox is the term used to label reactions in which the credence of an negatron ( decrease ) by a stuff is matched with the contribution of an negatron ( oxidization ) . A big figure of the reactions already mentioned in the Reactions chapter are redox reactions. Synthesis reactions are besides redox reactions if there is an exchange of negatrons to do an ionic bond. If chlorine gas is added to sodium metal to do Na chloride. the Na has donated an negatron and the Cl has accepted an negatron to go a chloride ion or an affiliated Cl. If a compound divides into elements in a decomposition. a decomposition reaction could be a redox reaction. The electrolysis of H2O is a redox reaction. With a direct electric current through it. H2O can be separated into O and H. H2O H2 + O2 The O and H in the H2O are attached by a covalent bond that breaks to do the component O and the component H. Learning more about the conditions for oxidation-reduction reactions will demo that the electrolysis of H2O is a redox reaction. A individual replacing reaction is ever a redox reaction because it involves an component that becomes incorporated into a compound and an component in the compound being released as a free component. A dual replacing reaction normally is non a redox reaction. Back to the top of Redox. OXIDATION StatesBefore we go any farther into oxidation-reduction. we must understand oxidization provinces. The thought of oxidization province began with whether or non a metal was attached to an O. Unattached ( free ) atoms have an oxidization province of nothing. Since O about ever takes in two negatrons when it is non a free component. the combined signifier of O ( oxide ) has an oxidization province of subtraction two. The exclusion to a combined O taking two negatrons is the peroxide constellation. Peroxide can be represented by -O-O- where the each elan is a covalent bond and each ‘O’ is an O atom. Peroxide can be written as a symbol. ( O2 ) 2- . The over-simplified manner of demoing this is that each O atom has a negative one oxidization province. but that is non truly so because the peroxides do non come in single O atoms. Hydrogen peroxides are non every bit stable as oxides. and there are really many fewer peroxides in nature than oxides. H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen in compound ever has an oxidization province of plus one. except as a hydride. A hydride is a compound of a metal and H. The H atoms in a hydride have the oxidization province of -1. Hydrides react with H2O. so there are no hydrides found in nature. The expression XH or XH2 or XH3 or even XH4 where X is a metal is the general chemical expression for hydride. The regulations for oxidization province are in some ways arbitrary and unnatural. but here they are: 1. Any free ( unattached ) component with no charge has the oxidization province of nothing. Diatomic gases such as O2 and H2 are besides in this class. 2. All compounds have a net oxidization province of nothing. The oxidization province of all of the atoms add up to zero. 3. Any ion has the oxidization province that is the charge of that ion. Polyatomic ions ( groups ) have an oxidization province for the whole ion that is the charge on that ion. The ions of elements in Group I. II. and VII ( halogens ) and some other elements merely have one likely oxidization province. 4. Oxygen in compound has an oxidization province of subtraction two. except for O as peroxide. which is minus one. 5. Hydrogen in compound has an oxidization province of plus one. except for H as hydride. which is minus one. 6. In groups or little covalent molecules. the component with the greatest electronegativity has its natural ion charge as its oxidization province. | KNOW THIS Parts of Speech Persuasive EssayCu0 Cu+2 + 2 e- and the entire reaction is: Cu0 + 2Ag+ Cu+2 + 2Ag0In the complete reaction the figure of negatrons lost must be the figure of negatrons gained. The figure of negatrons used in the decrease half reaction must be the figure of negatrons produced in the oxidization half reaction. The full half reactions must be multiplied by Numberss that will equalise the Numberss of negatrons. and the concluding complete balanced chemical reaction must demo these figure relationships. One of the of import spots of information from adding the half reactions in this instance is that the full chemical equation will hold to hold two Ag atoms for every Cu atom in the reaction for the reaction to equilibrate electrically. This type of information from the half reactions is sometimes the easiest or merely manner to equilibrate a chemical equation. The oxidation-reduction equilibrating jobs get downing with figure 31 at the terminal of the chapter are good aid for your farther apprehension. From making this math on a figure of stuffs. you will happen that it is possible to acquire some strange-looking oxidization provinces. to include some fractional 1s. The oxidization province math plants on fractional oxidization provinces besides. even though fractional charges are non possible. Decrease OR OXIDATION?A decrease of a stuff is the addition of negatrons. An oxidization of a stuff is the loss of negatrons. This system comes from the observation that stuffs combine with O in changing sums. For case. an Fe saloon oxidizes ( combines with O ) to go rust. We say that the Fe has oxidized. The Fe has gone from an oxidization province of nothing to ( normally ) either iron II or Fe III. This may be hard to retrieve. The easier manner to state if a half reaction is a decrease or oxidization is to plot the altering ion into the figure line. If the oxidization province of the ion goes up the figure line. it is an oxidization. If it goes down the figure line. it is a decrease. Based on the KIS rule ( Keep It Simple ) . retrieve merely one regulation for this. Person. in a tantrum of contrariness. decided that we needed more description for the procedure. A stuff that becomes oxidized is a cut downing agent. and a stuff that becomes reduced is an oxidizing agent.
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