Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How Males Are Socialised Into Traditional Masculinities Essays
How Males Are Socialised Into Traditional Masculinities Essays How Males Are Socialised Into Traditional Masculinities Essay How Males Are Socialised Into Traditional Masculinities Essay Explain and briefly measure how males are socialised into traditional malenesss Hegemonic maleness describes the patriarchal on the job category males. those who have laboring or manual occupations. He has to be physically tough and dominant to asseverate his maleness. He is decidedly heterosexual. technically competent. is sexist and aggressive. Males are socialised into traditional malenesss by a assortment of socialization agents. The school is instrumental in the socialization of males into traditional hegemonic functions. Becky Francis ( 2000 ) found that. although they were more harshly disciplined than the misss. boys’ behavior was tolerated more by the instructors. This encourages the male childs to show the traditional malenesss. Capable pick is besides an of import factor in male socialization as they were traditionally gender biased. This was studied by Grafton in a comprehensive school in which he showed that there were merely a limited figure of arrangements available for those who wanted to analyze non-traditional topics for their gender. This reduces involvement in those topics and ushers males into the more traditional. trade topics. Males are canalized significance they are directed into playing with certain playthings and activities. For illustration. male childs may play football while the misss play house’ . While the instruction system is really of import in the socialization of males into traditional malenesss. the household is the chief socialization agent. Parents may promote and honor behavior that they deem appropriate and discourage that which they think is inappropriate. For illustration. parents may promote their girls to concentrate on their visual aspect and their boies to watch and back up athleticss. Besides. Oakley referred to the labels ( For illustration. princess’ and pretty’ for misss ; and brave soldier’ and strong’ for male childs ) as verbal denomination and says they teach the kids society’s outlooks. Children besides imitate their parents because they are their important others. They learn norms and values through this procedure. In add-on. kids learn of import messages about gender designation through frock up games where they pretend to be their function theoretical accounts. While it is assumed that parents are successful agents in the socialization of kids. non all grownups get the necessary accomplishments for fostering their kids. Palmer ( 2007 ) suggested that childhood socialization is non every bit effectual as it was in the yesteryear. He proposed that this is because parents no longer pass adequate quality clip with their kids and are trusting on electronic babysitters’ . like the telecasting. which produce a toxic ch ildhood’ . The equal group. on the other manus. consist of people of similar position who come into regular contact with one another ( for illustration. groups of friends and school kids in the same twelvemonth ) . It is and agent of secondary socialization and is arguably the most influential for immature people during adolescence. The equal group frequently impact gender-role socialization. Skelton and Francis ( 2003 ) . said that boys dominate resort area infinite playing football while misss are on the borders. skipping or speaking. This encourages boys into the traditional malenesss of noisy. laddish’ behavior. Frosh et Al ( 2002 ) said that male childs identified features such as hardness’ . keeping anti-school values and being clean as those to draw a bead on to. These were features of hegemonic nature that would give them popular position. He besides found that male childs wanted to do their heterosexualism really clear to avoid being teased or bullied. Judith Rich Harris ( 1998 ) said that male childs need to cognize which groups are popular. which are feared. and which are pitied. They need to understand what they can state and how they can move within their group. This shows that maleness has to be carefully negotiated as they can non afford to be excessively different. Each socialization agent can be criticised but they all have a function in the socialization of males into traditional malenesss but it seems they play their portion at different times in the male’s life. Family is the primary socialization agent which affects kids the most at a immature age. The equal group affects males in their adolescence and can frequently be more influential to the males than instruction and household at this clip.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
5 Cases of Erroneous Usage
5 Cases of Erroneous Usage 5 Cases of Erroneous Usage 5 Cases of Erroneous Usage By Mark Nichol Writers who have misheard words and expressions or remember them imperfectly are prone to misrepresenting them in their prose. The following sentences include examples of such errors, followed by discussion and revision. 1. Trustees- jail inmates selected for jobs like food preparation and garbage collection- were sneaking drugs in on food trays. A trustee is a person or organization that manages money or property for someone else or a person who serves on a board. The appropriate term in this sentence is the plural of the noun trusty: â€Å"Trusties- jail inmates selected for jobs like food preparation and garbage collection- were sneaking drugs in on food trays.†2. Her tongue-and-cheek comment was inappropriate for the occasion. A writer unfamiliar with the idiomatic phrase denoting irony, insincerity, or whimsy has mistaken one of the words in the phrase for another: â€Å"Her tongue-in-cheek comment was inappropriate for the occasion.†3. The galley on this sailboat looks as if it could be a kitchen in a home in a housing track. Here, a writer has presumably misheard the term tract- referring in this context to a housing development, as track- and is unaware of the distinction: â€Å"The galley on this sailboat looks as if it could be a kitchen in a home in a housing tract.†4. In this type of story, the hero undergoes a right of passage. This sentence refers to a ritual, not something one is entitled to: â€Å"In this type of story, the hero undergoes a rite of passage.†5. Smith has a Masters of education and spent several decades as a schoolteacher. Masters is the plural form of master. Master’s is the possessive form, which is what is appropriate here. Also, though it is implicit that degree is what â€Å"belongs†to the master, it’s best to include the word and to use the pertinent preposition: â€Å"Smith has a master’s degree in education and spent several decades as a schoolteacher.†(Also, as shown in the revision, a word denoting a level of degree is not capitalized.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Usage Review category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowComma Before ButUsing "zeitgeist" Coherently
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Value of scientific process Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Value of scientific process - Term Paper Example After analyzing and observing the theory from an external perspective, the scientist can then formulate a hypothesis in an attempt to explain this phenomenon. In the process of formulating a hypothesis, the scientist must also predict a logical and reasonable conclusion for the theory he formulated. In the scientific method observation plays a role in the derivation of the theory and in analytical part of the experiment. The different observation by two different scientists should be comparable as humans have both subjective and qualitative senses which make them difficult for comparison. Observation also implements other parameters such as measurement. This is the comparison of a certain observation with a standard value (‘Introduction to the Scientific Method’, n.d). Human senses which are utilized during the observation process are subject to error. Instruments have been created to minimize the margin for error and as technology advances, so are the different instrume nts used. They also allow for the improvement of accuracy during observation. Observation at times comes into play when observation affects the actual experiment and causes a deviation in the final results. The results obtained are also influenced by many different factors. These factors are referred to as paradoxes. This occurs when a similar event illustrates different conclusions depending on the viewpoint of the scientist. Observations are also subject to biasness as the complex process by which human senses observe and perceive data is determined by internal neural mechanisms that are built up throughout our lives and to a certain extent, beyond our conscious control. The different types of biasness include, confirmation, which refers to a scientist observing only the expected outcome and not the actual results. Others are processing bias, which involves the processing of data before it is actually observed. This usually occurs in computer based experiments. Observational bias refers to the subjection of the observer to the ‘street light effect’, when scientists also observe places which they presume will provide them with results (Freedman, 2010). However, they could end up omitting or neglecting vital aspects of the experiment. Prediction refers to the act of foretelling the outcomes of a particular experiment. For this purpose, research is usually conducted for theories that possess logical outcomes. The prediction helps to provide a guideline for the experiment. However, this also has a negative side as, scientists’ mode of observation maybe biased. Predictions also help to establish the probable outcome using hypothetical values and a certain framework. When making predictions, they must be based on a scientific theory. A common example of formulating a good prediction can be witness in the work of J.J Thomson (Shuttleworth, 2009). Prior to completing an experiment and attaining results that coincided with his prediction, he would proceed to create another prediction on the next stage of the research. This would allow him to expand on his research and make new discoveries. Physics is largely involved with the prediction part of the scientific method. Theorists such as Albert Einstein utilized mathematical
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Research log Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Research log - Essay Example However, as I went on to review the research, I was able to establish the highlights and the major aspects of the issue which were meant to make me understand the events as they unfolded. I was able to learn the extent of the animosity felt by terrorist groups against the US and how these feelings stemmed mostly from the US foreign policies in the Middle East and in developing nations. I was also able to learn how these US foreign policies have been viewed by many Middle Eastern nations as purely economically based and more to the point – oil-based. In the first few days of the research process, I was able to enhance my organizational research skills. Before the research, I did not have an organized way of carrying out research or in carrying out any of my academic tasks. I actually often ended up repeating myself or doing things twice because I did not have good organizational skills. However, as I was going through the process of research, I was forced to come up with a logi cal and orderly system in gathering data and in sorting out the data that I was able to gather. In so doing, I knew where to get the information I needed and which part of the research they would be placed. I was also able to establish the information I still needed to research and what type of information I needed. I believe that the part of the research which was well organized and well done for me was the third chapter because the materials and information were well organized and logically flowed from one idea to the next. I believe that that part of the research process was able to highlight my strengths as a researcher and as a student. However, there were also some challenging and difficult parts of the research process for me. It was very challenging for me to gain an objective and well-rounded information about the topic. There are different sources of information about the topic and I tried my best to sift through these in order to come up with the best and the most objecti ve sources of data. When I was about to finish the research and data gathering process, I was more or less ready to plan and to write the initial chapters of the paper. In order for me to make a good start however on the paper, I was planning to read the â€Å"Unholy wars: Afghanistan, America and international terrorism†by Cooley and â€Å"Fighting suicide bombing: a worldwide campaign for life†by Cherny. In order to successfully write the first chapter, I was called on to spend much time in researching about the 9/11 attacks itself. The areas of my research for this week included the assessment of the different events leading up to the 9/11 attacks and the immediate aftermath thereof. I found out that there were possible signs which indicated a possible attack on US soil, however no definitive threat was seen and was considered an immediate threat to the US and its inhabitants and territories. In order to ensure a good understanding of the subject matter, I highlig hted the importance of gaining balanced and objective research materials. I used both library searches through books and journals in order to facilitate data gathering. I also used the internet to search for possible recommended materials relevant to my research. Before I started with the research proc
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Seeds in Hard Ground Essay Example for Free
Seeds in Hard Ground Essay Ruth Rosenberg’s article, â€Å"Seeds in Hard Ground: Black Girlhood in The Bluest Eye,†offers a paradigm with which to view the growing-up process portrayed by Toni Morrison in her novel, The Bluest Eye. According to Rosenberg, Morrison’s novel is a landmark in literature because she has succeeded in portraying young, black American girls on their road to womanhood. Before her, no documented case in literature has been recorded that featured these girls in the center stage. Always, Rosenberg quotes Morrison, these girls were the props, set as part of the background, the moving scenery (436). More interestingly, however, it is Rosenberg’s treatment and reading of â€Å"colorism†in the novel that calls for attention (439). Colorism is akin to racism, where division and segregation is based on the color of one’s skin. Color, in fact, plays a crucial and central role in the novel, stealthily moving beyond the question of one’s skin. The most important transition of colorism is in Pecola’s wish to have blue eyes. She absurdly believes that possessing such would render her lovable, thereby eliminating pain from her world: If those eyes of hers were different, that is to say, beautiful, she herself would be different†¦Maybe they’d say, â€Å"Why look at pretty-eyed Pecola. We mustn’t do bad things in front of those pretty eyes. ††¦ Each night, without fail, she prayed for blue eyes. Fervently, for a year she had prayed. Although somewhat discouraged, she was not without hope. (Morrison 40) The longing for blue eyes were eventually destructive for Pecola as her desire for possessing the bluest eyes symbolize her own blindness – and it is this blindness, rather than her skin color, that eventually brings about her insanity and downfall. Pecola’s case is not isolated. The characters that people the novel, themselves perpetrators and victims of colorism, also exhibit their own â€Å"blindness. †Eyes, looking, and gazing all become important symbols in the novel. Despite being able to see, the characters are oftentimes blinded by colorism. As such, the novel underscores a very important theme: the great divide between superficial looking and deeper seeing. For Morrison, the more important way of seeing is painfully missing in the novel, leading to drastic and disastrous consequences. Inside Pecola’s shoe she hides her treasure: three pennies to get her nine Mary Janes. Inside the store, she encounters Mr. Yacobowski, who â€Å"urges his eyes out of his thoughts to encounter her (Morrison 41). †He has blue eyes that are blear-dropped, which he focuses on Pecola as he â€Å"looms up over the counter (Morrison 41). †But Somewhere between retina and object, between vision and view, his eyes draw back, hesitate, and hover. At some fixed point in time and space he senses that he need not waste the effort of a glance. He does not see her, because for him there is nothing to see. How can a fifty-two-year-old white immigrant†¦see a little black girl? (Morrison 42) Pecola immediately recognizes the storekeeper’s stare as â€Å"the total absence of human recognition the glazed separateness. this vacuum is not new to her. She has seen it lurking in the eyes of all white people†¦ (Morrison 42). With the stare Pecola is shamed and angered. Yet, it is not only Pecola’s desire for blue eyes or the white people’s vacant stares that stand for the blindness plaguing the characters caught in the grips of colorism. Consider the case of Maureen Peal, â€Å"the high yellow dream child with long brown hair braided into two lynch ropes that hung down her back (Morrison 52). †Such a description juxtaposes the vicious power that comes with her pretty face. Claudia is at the receiving end, as Maureen often gazes at her with â€Å"unearned haughtiness in her eyes (Morrison 54). †In knowing that she is prettier because she is whiter than the rest, Maureen condescends to them, seeing only their darker skin and eliminating them immediately as people lower than her. In the end, it is only Soaphead Church who listens with sympathy to Pecola’s pleas. He is the only one who sees through the curse of blindness by realizing that Pecola’s wish was â€Å"the most poignant and the one [wish] most deserving of fulfillment. A little black girl who wanted to rise up out of pit of her blackness and see the world with blue eyes (137). †But the price for this was heavy – for only she could see her eyes. Her frustration and disillusion sends her into a downward spiral, from which her friends cannot pull her out of. At the cost of her life, she gained the eyes she wanted. Works Cited Rosenberg, Ruth. â€Å"Seeds in Hard Ground: Black Girlhood in The Bluest Eye. †Black American Literature Forum 21. 4 (1987). 435-445. Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York: Washington Square Press, 1970.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay example --
BUSINESS MODEL The business model of an organization is its means of earning revenues and recovering costs. It is the mode of value creation, value delivery and value capture followed by the organization. Its essence is the value proposition to consumers that allows the company to make money from its business. The Fast Retailing Group is a holding company with specialty retailer UNIQLO as its mainstay operation. The SPA business model (Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel) of core UNIQLO operations is the key to its rapid growth and profitability, integrating and controlling all stages of the supply process, from product planning, through design and manufacture, inventory control and production adjustment, to distribution, marketing and final sales. UNIQLO’s business model enables it to balance relatively low price of its products with high quality. This relative product value is unparalleled even by the world’s leading apparel retailers, offering world-class quality clothing in world-class quality stores. By continuously refining its SPA model, UNIQLO differentiates itself with its unique, original products and low costs. Its consolidated supply chain facilitates quick alteration in production, rapid response to changes in the sales environment, and minimizes store-operation costs. UNIQLO’s business model also upturned the trend with large-scale stores in the apparel industry. Typically, with increase in sales floor area, sales and profitability per square meter decreases. However, UNIQLO is able to promote sales and reduce costs with its rich product mix, particularly for women. Rivals like Zara and H&M offer latest fashions to the masses, entailing multiple ordering of new lines to match the ongoing ‘fast-fash... ...REAMS: The Company’s sales revenue results from sale of merchandise to customers. Marginal revenue also comes from leasing of real estate. KEY RESOURCES: Management, Infrastructure (financial resources, Group know-how, etc.), Personnel, Foreign (avail of manufacturing capacity and marketing capabilities through strategic alliances). KEY ACTIVITIES: M&A activities, CSR activities, Overseas activities, Monitoring activities, UNIQLO Japan. KEY PARTNERSHIPS: †¢ Partner factories in China, †¢ Partnerships with material manufacturers, †¢ Strategic partnership between TORAY and UNIQLO since June 2006, resulting in successful product innovation, HEATTECH, †¢ Feb 2011: Global Partnership Agreement with UNHCR COST STRUCTURE: Purchasing costs, Store-operation costs (personnel costs and rent), Promotional costs, Procurement costs, Acquisition costs, Costs of opening new stores. Essay example -- BUSINESS MODEL The business model of an organization is its means of earning revenues and recovering costs. It is the mode of value creation, value delivery and value capture followed by the organization. Its essence is the value proposition to consumers that allows the company to make money from its business. The Fast Retailing Group is a holding company with specialty retailer UNIQLO as its mainstay operation. The SPA business model (Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel) of core UNIQLO operations is the key to its rapid growth and profitability, integrating and controlling all stages of the supply process, from product planning, through design and manufacture, inventory control and production adjustment, to distribution, marketing and final sales. UNIQLO’s business model enables it to balance relatively low price of its products with high quality. This relative product value is unparalleled even by the world’s leading apparel retailers, offering world-class quality clothing in world-class quality stores. By continuously refining its SPA model, UNIQLO differentiates itself with its unique, original products and low costs. Its consolidated supply chain facilitates quick alteration in production, rapid response to changes in the sales environment, and minimizes store-operation costs. UNIQLO’s business model also upturned the trend with large-scale stores in the apparel industry. Typically, with increase in sales floor area, sales and profitability per square meter decreases. However, UNIQLO is able to promote sales and reduce costs with its rich product mix, particularly for women. Rivals like Zara and H&M offer latest fashions to the masses, entailing multiple ordering of new lines to match the ongoing ‘fast-fash... ...REAMS: The Company’s sales revenue results from sale of merchandise to customers. Marginal revenue also comes from leasing of real estate. KEY RESOURCES: Management, Infrastructure (financial resources, Group know-how, etc.), Personnel, Foreign (avail of manufacturing capacity and marketing capabilities through strategic alliances). KEY ACTIVITIES: M&A activities, CSR activities, Overseas activities, Monitoring activities, UNIQLO Japan. KEY PARTNERSHIPS: †¢ Partner factories in China, †¢ Partnerships with material manufacturers, †¢ Strategic partnership between TORAY and UNIQLO since June 2006, resulting in successful product innovation, HEATTECH, †¢ Feb 2011: Global Partnership Agreement with UNHCR COST STRUCTURE: Purchasing costs, Store-operation costs (personnel costs and rent), Promotional costs, Procurement costs, Acquisition costs, Costs of opening new stores.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Gulliver’s Travels Essay
Swift wrote ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ to be read by the literate higher classes of the British society, he did this because he hoped that the higher class people would have the higher ranked jobs in the government and could change Britain. In chapter 6 Gulliver gave a long detailed, description of Britain’s History and the way in which it had been ruled in Swift’s time, the king was ‘perfectly astonished with the historical account’ Gulliver gave him. The king tried to protest that the affairs of Britain during the last century were ‘only a heap of conspiracies, rebellions, murders, massacres, banishments, faction, cruelty, rage, madness, hatred or ambition could produce. ‘ All of these are negative points about England which clearly shows Swift’s dislike of the country. Swift uses the King’s response to make his point even clearer; this allows Swift to show his disgust of British society without stating that he himself said it; this offended many people. Another aspect of British society which Swift was very interested in was the physical human body and its functions. The public in the 18th century found the human body embarrassing, including things such as sanitation, which is perhaps why swift satirised it to show his unusual, for his time, interest in such things. Swift however was disgusted by bodily functions and he showed his disgust by using the differences for Gulliver in Lilliput and Brobdingnag. In Lilliput, where Gulliver was the large person, the empress was disgusted when she looked up at Gulliver walking over her but in Brobdingnag Gulliver was in horror with the maids breastfeeding the child, ‘I must confess no ever object ever disgusted me so much as the sight of her monstrous breast’ and ‘It stood six feet, and could not be less than sixteen in circumference. The nipple was about the half the bigness of my head. ‘ These are both examples of Swift’s hatred for human body parts because both of the descriptions for them are all negative. A second example of Swift’s interest in bodily functions is in Lilliput when Gulliver urinates on the Empress’ palace to save her from the fire, the ironic thing about this is that although Gulliver saved the Empress’ life from the fire he was later banished from the country for displaying such an act in front of the Empress. This is perhaps another satirical point from Swift mocking the English culture, maybe Swift feels like it’s unfair that even if you do something heroic, such as saving a royal family member, you can be convicted because of the method you used. Swift also satirises women and how vain they were, such as Chapter 5 in Brobdingnag ‘They would often strip me naked and lay me at full length in their bosoms; wherewith I was much disgusted; because, to say the truth, a very offensive smell came from their skins’ This is an example of Swift suggesting that women of his time were an illusion of physical beauty and that they weren’t as beautiful as was thought. Swift suggests that people often smelt hence why they used perfumes to cover the smell. Swift later states ‘I found their natural smell was much more supportable than when they used perfumes’, Swift was disgusted with how vain women were by using perfumes to try to impress the males, He could also be satirising how men wanted women to act like this. 18th century England was very different compared with modern day fashions, in the 18th century women tended to cover skin more compared to now where the fashion is to show as much skin as possible. So when Swift wrote in chapter 5 about the maids ‘stripping to the skin’ while Gulliver was in their presence, this would have been a preposterous thought for people of the 18th century even more than it would be now. Swift loved to satirise this because it was something that fascinated, it also makes us laugh in a childish way and would therefore keep us reading. From reading â€Å"Gulliver’s Travels†it is clear that Swift had a very strong dislike of the culture and government of Britain and showed his disgust by satirising them using literature. Satire is a rude way of getting your point across often ridiculing something and will offend many people. When Swift wrote ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ he said ‘he wanted to vex the world and intended to make people angry by holding a mirror up to English society’. Swift wrote ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ as a satirical book but wasn’t sure how the British public would take it, so he first published it under the name Lemuel Gulliver, which makes it sound even more like a travelogue. Swift using Lilliput and Brobdingnag ridiculed Britain and offended the majority of the population, so when the public found out that Swift was the author of ‘Gulliver’s Travels’, he felt he could no longer work in Britain, so he left the country and went to live in Ireland. Bibliography – ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ by Jonathan Swift Word Count: 2,247 Ben Dewsnip 19th May 08 10co Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Jonathan Swift section.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Ideals of Fdr
FDR: The Great American President Jacob WagmanProfessor Christy ChapinHIST102Due: 25OCT12 Franklin Delano Roosevelt is easily the best president of his era. He had the single best approach to the economic problems and social problems that followed the economic problems of the time. Many people would say that he couldn’t make decisions for himself because of how he was constantly changing his ideas but in truth, his plan was to do whatever it took to work and he was going to make something work. In case it was not known, FDR was a fighter. He never gave up on the USA or stepped down even after being stricken by polio.A lot of his ideas came from his â€Å"brain trust†which was comprised of many advisors of all different back rounds and political beliefs. He was constantly keeping the American people informed with the state of the government and economy through a new invention popularly known as the radio. He would go out of his way to help the banks and would do anythin g to dig the US out of the pit that Hoover had dug and did nothing really to dig them out other than laying the foundation for FDR to bring America back from the brink of complete collapse.Using the foundation laid by Hoover many Administrations, Acts, and even some Corporations were put in place and somewhere welcomed and others weren’t, but FDR took all of the success and failures and made sure it worked out for the American people and the world when WWII came around. His foreign policy in WWII was very much respected and still is today because FDR would not let the crimes of others go unpunished. All in all everything FDR did was for the best of this country and the way he handled WWII both domestically and overseas.When FDR was elected into office he was left with quite a mess left by Herbert Hoover, but Hoover had left a very nice foundation to start FDR’s famous â€Å"New Deal. †Programs during this time focused on trying very hard to help bring the US ou t of the Great Depression by working on reform, recovery, and relief efforts. Many of the programs put together by FDR came from his â€Å"brain trust†which was FDR’s circle of advisors which ranged from democrats to republicans and even to progressives. This is why it seemed like his ideals were always changing because he was trying to here from verybody to see which would work best to pull the US out of the muck. He started with starting a bank holiday in which every bank in the US was forced to close so that government officials could come into each of the banks and decide if the banks were suited to re-open for public use. In order to guarantee the money people put into the bank for safe keeping, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was created and this gained the public’s usage of the banks again because they could not possibly lose their money because of a bank failing because the government backed up the money 100%.The Securities and Exchange Commission Act was also implemented to regulate the stock market so that another stock market crash could be avoided. Many people disagreed with these economic policies but if they were alive they could see that these two government sectors are still in use today because of how effective they have been throughout the years. FDR’s next goal was to provide jobs for all the people who were unemployed, which was about 25% of the entire population.Programs to fix this problem were such like the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), which hired young adults around 18 to plants tress and help the National Parks, the Public Works Administration (PWA), which contracted with private businesses to build roads, schools, hospitals, and other government-esc buildings, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TWA), which was set up to build dams along the Tennessee River, and the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which was an administration that directly hired people and also white collar workers s uch as teachers and nurses, and they also trained unskilled workers so they could perform specific tasks.Looking back nobody could even argue with these programs because it provided thousands of jobs for the unemployed which did much more good than bad. There was some controversy over the TWA forcing people out of their houses but it was for the good of the entire Tennessee River Valley so it was more necessary than anything. ,Many programs were welcomed with open arms like the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) which tried to lower the foreclosure rate and made more long term mortgage loans that made owning a house more possible, but there were programs like the National Recovery Administration (NRA) which wanted to eliminate competition so all businesses could thrive, but it ailed very oorly because the little businesses were still eaten alive by the bigger companies, and another unpopular program was the Resettlement Administration (aka Federal Security Administration), tried t o make farming more like the USSR in which farming was more collective and controlled by the government but the program was met by much resistance both from Farmer’s and the Chamber of Commerce.But if it had not been for these failure than FDR would not have been able to come up with the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), which was the government paying farmers not to produce so that the goods on the market could be purchased at a slightly higher price to attempt to stimulate the economy. At first the Supreme Court shot down the AAA, but it was later brought back by congress in 1938 because it actually helped farmers and made them happy.During the start of WWII when it was strictly in Europe and China, the USA became extremely isolationist to the point where they even pulled out of Haiti and Nicaragua so that they were involved in as little foreign conflict as possible. The USA even refused to sell weapons to Great Britain and France because they didn’t want to risk getting pulled into another World War again. While the war kept going on the USA passed acts such as the Neutrality Acts which banned US citizens from traveling on ships from foreign nations that were in war with another country and they banned selling weapons to foreign nations.FDR pleaded with congress to allow the USA to at least attempt to assist the allies fighting in Europe because they were just that, the USA’s allies. But congress kept turning down FDRs pleas for help until he managed to convince congress to allow for the first Military draft and for the US to start building and selling arms to the Allied powers. This was when FDR decided to run for a 3rd term which he won by a landslide because people saw how he had started to help the economy grow bit by bit. In 1941, FDR got the Lend-Lease act to be approved.The Lend-Lease Act made it possible for the US to fully help the Allies by giving them arms and munitions. In order to provide these items for the All ies more jobs had to be created to produce the weapons and so thousands of jobs were created which helped the economy out that much more. The Lend-Lease Act also stopped all trade with Japan in an attempt to discourage them from continuing the atrocities they were committing over in China. This unfortunately provoked Japan into launching a preemptive strike on Pearl Harbor where over 2000 service men lost their lives and about 200 aircrafts were destroyed and 18 naval ships were lost.FDR immediately requested a declaration of war in his famous address to congress in which he quoted the attack on Pearl Harbor as â€Å"a day that will live in infamy. †FDR’s policy on isolationism and then all-out war is an extremely well thought out strategy considering the position the US was in. He wanted to help GB and France desperately but Congress wouldn’t help him at all. But he pushed and pushed till he finally succeeds and ultimately, helped the Allies push to victory an d overcome the most outstanding odds against them.Franklin Delano Roosevelt is not only one of the best Presidents the USA has ever had, but he also had some of the most ingenious ideals for how to fix the economic crisis the US has ever faced, and then later one of the worst crisis the world has ever faced in World War Two. His plans or creating jobs worked unlike those of Hoover, and even though some of his programs failed, he learned from the failures only to make the successful programs even more helpful and long lasting for the US.To top his economic policies, his policies on World War Two were even better because he found a way to stay isolationist at the beginning where he could still make jobs by avoiding the war and then joining the war when it was absolutely crucial the US did, which ultimately ended up pulling the USA out of the Great Depression even if he were not alive to see them win the war and there to see the Great Depression end due to all the good he did for the U SA. Nobody can argue that his ideals and policies were anything shy of some of the best of any president.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Hypocorisma Hypocorisma Hypocorisma By Maeve Maddox When Dick Cheney said, â€Å"We’re in deep doo-doo,†he was expressing himself with hypocorisma. Hypocorisma is a type of euphemism derived from a Greek word meaning â€Å"pet name.†The English word hypocorism may be defined as â€Å"the diminutive or otherwise altered version of a given name.†Sometimes the original name is clear in the hypocorism: Johnny < John Chris < Christopher Millie < Millicent Pat, Patty Sometimes the hypocorism differs from the original name: Kit < Christopher Hal < Henry Ned < Edward Meg, Peggy < Margaret Molly, Polly Hypocorisma also applies to the diminutives of ordinary words like television and â€Å"nursery words†: words used by adults in speaking to young children. Here are examples of diminutives of ordinary words often used by adults: telly < television undies < underwear hanky < handkerchief comfy < comfortable Here are some typical nursery words. Several are euphemisms. Several are completely different in appearance from the words they represent: doggy, bow-wow for dog horsey, gee-gee for horse choo-choo for train pee-pee, wee-wee, number one for urine doo-doo, poo-poo, poop, number two for feces grown-up for adult scaredy-cat for easily frightened person The use of diminutives and pet names is usually an indication of affection or intimacy, but sometimes hypocorisma is used to diminish, infantilize, or insult. For example, the same words used as endearments by family members and close friends are seen as insulting when they come from strangers. Some people don’t seem to mind being called honey, sweetie, or babe by store clerks or other service personnel, but others feel emotions ranging from annoyance to fury: I have walked out of restaurants after being called honey [or] babe. Dear Abby said it is sexual harassment. I HATE being called honey. Newington police arrested a man they said became angry when a store clerk called him honey and then punched her in the face. A friendly â€Å"Hon†to frequent customers in a local restaurant is one thing, but in the workplace in general, employees, customers, and healthcare workers would be wise to avoid terms of endearment, especially when dealing with a segment of the population that is bombarded with such empty endearments. People in their seventies and above are so often addressed in nursery language that researchers have a word for this type of hypocorisma: elderspeak. According to Becca Levy, an associate professor of epidemiology and psychology at Yale University, the way elderly people are talked to affects their health. A University of Kansas study of the effects of elderspeak on people suffering from mild to moderate dementia found that when staff spoke to patients as if they were children, saying such things as â€Å"Good girl!†and â€Å"How are we feeling?†the patients were more aggressive and less receptive than if they were spoken to adult-to-adult. The study concluded that elderspeak sends a message that the patient is incompetent and â€Å"begins a negative downward spiral for older persons, who react with decreased self-esteem, depression, withdrawal and the assumption of dependent behaviors.†Words matter. So does context. Terms of endearment are probably best reserved for the people we hold dear. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Inquire vs Enquire75 Idioms and Expressions That Include â€Å"Break†English Grammar 101: Prepositions
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Elusive Ellipsis
The Elusive Ellipsis The Elusive Ellipsis The Elusive Ellipsis By Sharon The ellipsis seems to be one of the most alluring punctuation symbols, and I see it misused everywhere. From student papers to billboards to everyday e-mails and chat logs, the ellipsis is tossed in willy-nilly and often extends to four, five, or even six dots. I have to tell you, an extended ellipsis is just a bunch of dots. The ellipsis- three consecutive dots- serves some specific purposes in writing. If used correctly, an ellipsis can be quite effective, if not, it can be downright confusing. Some of the right ways to use an ellipsis include (see that, it works!): 1. The intentional omission of words All employers must honor the minimum wage requirement. The original sentence read: All employers must honor the minimum wage requirement or risk paying a fine. 2. A pause in speech â€Å"I think I just got an interview!†3. An unfinished thought Now, where on earth did I put that? 4. A sentence that trails into silence I thought you might say that. Pay special attention to an ellipsis that ends a sentence. It is the only time you should include four dots since the final dot serves as the period at the end of the sentence. Stay tuned for a post about the correct use of the ellipsis in quoted sentences. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Wether, Weather, WhetherItalicizing Foreign WordsThe Difference Between "Un-" and "Dis-"
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The North Korean nuclear program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The North Korean nuclear program - Essay Example The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is an integral part of UN charter having primary responsibility of doing efforts towards maintaining international peace and security. The charter requires that a representative of each of its members must be present all the time at the UN headquarters. These representatives echo the viewpoints of the respective governments and help in smooth functioning of the Security Council. In one such meeting on 14th October 2006, the UNSC passed this resolution asking the North Korean government not to go ahead with its nuclear program. The resolution is in continuation with its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825 (1993), resolution 1540 (2004) and, in particular, resolution 1695 (2006), as well as the statement of its President of 6 October 2006 (S/PRST/2006/41) seeks to reaffirm that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological arsenal constitutes grave threat for the safety and security of the world peace. UN security counc il expressed grave concern on the claim made by Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and expressed apprehension that this development might lead to further tension in the region. While announcing the successful conduct of the nuclear test, North Korean government also announced its withdrawal from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The resolution expressly demanded that;ï‚ §Ã‚ North Korea must desist from conducting any further nuclear tests or launching any ballistic missile.... These representatives echo the viewpoints of the respective governments and help in smooth functioning of the Security Council. In one such meeting on 14th October 2006, the UNSC passed this resolution asking the North Korean government not to go ahead with its nuclear program. The resolution is in continuation with its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825 (1993), resolution 1540 (2004) and, in particular, resolution 1695 (2006), as well as the statement of its President of 6 October 2006 (S/PRST/2006/41) seeks to reaffirm that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological arsenal constitutes grave threat for the safety and security of the world peace. UN security council expressed grave concern on the claim made by Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and expressed apprehension that this development might lead to further tension in the region. While announcing the successful conduct of the nuclear test, North Korean government also announced its withdr awal from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The resolution expressly demanded that; North Korea must desist from conducting any further nuclear tests or launching any ballistic missile. DPRK must express its return to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards, North Korean government must eliminate its nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles program. The government of DPRK must allow the international community and concerned UN organisations to inspect all cargo moving in or out of the country. This is purportedly considered necessary to check illegal transportation of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Evaluating an international human resource strategy Essay
Evaluating an international human resource strategy - Essay Example The balanced score card of Tesco indicates areas like customer perspective, motivation and community service which needs to be stressed even more to enhance customer shopping experience. Tesco should look at improving customer experience through proper innovation, reducing carbon emission and improved training and development. Each of the above factors presents an opportunity for Tesco at improving their customer service. The strategy map of Tesco indicates areas where it can improve the communication lines between the factors for effective implementation of strategy. For Tesco to continue to be the leader in UK retail and grocery segment, it needs to invest in the above areas and proper up gradation of all their objectives with change in time. Tesco plc is a general merchandise and multinational grocery retailer based in England, United Kingdom. Presently it is the second largest retailer in the world in terms of profits after Walmart and third largest in the world with respect to revenues after Walmart and Carrefour. The core purpose of Tesco is that they make what matters better together. Tesco has a team of over 5, 30,000 people in 12 markets which are dedicated in bringing the best choice, value and service to their millions of customer each week. Despite being in a highly competitive market they have established strategies which reflect their priorities as the business grows and the needs of the customers change. Tesco uses their balanced scorecard, the Steering Wheel, to manage and measure their business performance. This report will discuss about the balanced scorecard and Strategy map of Tesco. Tesco has clearly defined Vision which helps them to guide their business direction. Their business guides their direction and the decisions they take as an organisation. The company is centred on colleagues and customers
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